Intentional Trainwreck is a power trio pounding its way into the progressive metal scene throughout the Washington / Baltimore region. IT is comprised of former members of Turbomatic and Cerebus Effect and has the energy and insanity to prove it. Our complexity is only rivaled by our creativity and originality. Listeners of metal, fusion and rock, this is for you.
Metäl Peet - Vocals, guitars
Metal Pete was educated at the school of hard knocks and majored in kicking ass. Specializing in creating sonic walls of destruction, in the evenings he feasts upon the flesh of the slain. Influenced by classical, metal, jazz, and electronic music, he tends to not have particular musical tendencies. Previous work includes Turbomatic, Tolerance for Tragedy, LTC, and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Patrick Gaffney - Drums
Patrick Gaffney was raised by wolves and plays with fire. He's a spaz like most drummers and eats weird time signatures for breakfast. He has been influenced by jazz-fusion, rusty metal, and Afro-Indian beats but plays with a uniquely original style. Other endeavors include Cerebus Effect, Deluge Grander and Turbomatic.
Big Mike - Bass
The Zen Bastard of the bass, Mike Galway is the engine of the beast known as Intentional Trainwreck. Severing heads like a mutant Mongol warrior, his shear force of of will and skill often derails the most idle of listeners and puts the stranglehold on those who dare to take notice. Big Mike was forged by jazz-fusion, metal, punk rock, classical, world music and all things bass. Previous and current projects include Apothecary, Cerebus Effect, Uncle Gut, Dali's Watch, and The Alan Scott Band.